

To create local branch type:

$ git checkout -b my-local-branch-name

Next command, will create remote branch (and commit changes, if any exists on local branch):

$ git push origin my-local-branch-name

(origin means, “your original (remote) repo)

But it will not setup tracking remote branch with your local❗ To do this, you have to use u flag:

$ git push -u origin my-local-branch-name

If you want to create new local branch with tracking existing remote:

$ git checkout -b <your-new-local-branc> origin/<existing-remote-branch>

Switch to existing branch

$ git checkout <local-or-remote-branch-name>

List branches

To list your local branches and check current branch (marked with: *) type:

$ git branch

vv flag is usefull if you want to find out, is local branch tracking remote and whichone. It’ll show you last commit hash and message

$ git branch -vv

You can also list remote branches. Just add r flag:

$ git branch -r

If you want to list all branches (local and remote), use a flag:

$ git branch -a

If you combine two last flags (a and vv), you’ll able to show all the information, i wrote in this “sub-paragraph". So, let’s try - type:

$ git branch -avv


REMEMBER! You cannot delete branch, if you checked out (you’ll get error: error: Cannot delete branch '<your_local_branch>' checked out at '<local_path>'). Change your current branch, and then try again.

To delete local branch type:

$ git branch -d <your-local-branch-name>

If branch contains any not pushed commits, you will get error (error: The branch '<your_local_branch>' is not fully merged.). If you won’t push it, you can add f flag

$ git branch -df <your-local-branch-name>

or instead d, use D

$ git branch -D <your-local-branch-name>

When you want to delete remote branch, you don’t need to delete local branch, which is tracking remote. If you type command:

$ git push origin -d <remote-branch-name>

Then, if you check your local branches (git branch -vv) and you had local tracked branch, you will see gone next to deleted remote branch:

  master          last_commit_hash [origin/master] Last commit on master
* <local-branch>  last_commit_hash [origin/<remote-branch>: gone] Last commit on this branch

If command git branch -a still shows remote branch(es), use command:

$ git fetch origin --prune


If you need use other name/email for specific repo:

Change dir to your cloned repo location dir

$ cd location_of_your_git_directory

Set your nick/name/surname using command:

$ git config "Kalik Dev"

Now put your email:

$ git config "[email protected]"

Optionaly, you can use this command git config -l to check, if changes have been applied (if you are Linux user or you using WSL/Git Bash (aka MinGW), you can add | fgrep user., to filter records):

$ git config -l | fgrep user.

Console will show you something like that: K.[email protected] Dev[email protected]

You will see your default and new name and email, but git will use “the last one” records!

❗ It’s email, not mail. If you add record user.mail, it won’t work ❗